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Using your mobile phone as a content tool

21 Jul 2021

Getting creative with your mobile phone

The way we use mobile phones has changed dramatically over time. With access to the internet, whenever and wherever, the way we consume content is now three things: frequent, fast and sound-free.

Attention span is a lot shorter, which means your content needs to work harder to grab your customer’s attention.

Facebook’s Mobile Studio is a useful resource to help you design great creative simply using your phone.

In this video, Matt, Community Trainer for Facebook Small Business Team, outlines some practical tips for creating engaging content that will resonate with your audience.

All views and opinions of the presenter are their own and do not represent Vodafone.

Tips for planning content:

  • Engage: share the story of how your business got started, how you give back to your community and use photos and videos to showcase your business.

  • Educate: explain what makes your product different and show behind the scenes footage at your shop or business.

  • Excite: tell people about a new product, sale or event in an engaging way.

Tips for creating content:

  • Visually exciting content performs best.

  • Adding movement and animation is a great way to elevate your content.

  • The first 3 seconds are crucial so make them count.

  • Show the use of your product in an interesting way: e.g. with vibrant patterns.

  • Make sure videos are short, 15 seconds or less.

  • Frame it square (1:1) or vertical: this gives the viewer the full experience.

  • Use a strong call to action and add some urgency to it.

  • Design for sound off, but wow with sound on. The message should be clear and engaging without the need for sound.

  • Tailor to your audience.

For more support you can also consult an expert by calling or requesting a call back.

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